Friday, 24 August 2018



To understand scientific attitude it is necessary to initially understand attitude, an attribute that belong to the affective domain of behavior.

According to Gordon Allport Attitude refer to a
                Mental and Neural state of readiness organized through experience exerting a directive or                    dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it                  is related (1935, p..810).

As per Allport's definition then attitude involves

i. A Target:
                  The attitudinal target may be a person, an object, some situation event or even a phenomenon. The attitude is always directed to this target that is presented to the individual in form of a set of stimuli.
i. A Mental State:
                            The individual has a particular state of readiness whenever he or she is in vicinity of the attitudinal target. The mental state of readiness is a state that involves the individuals cognition, motivations and feelings in a combined way.

iii. A Behavioral Component:
                                               The state of readiness has a peculiar influence on the individuals potential response towards the attitudinal target. In general this response might be in form that reflects a favorable or an unfavorable disposition towards any or all the stimuli related to the attitudinal target.

iv. Source:
                The mental state of readiness or disposition towards the attitudinal target is a learned disposition. It arises through the individuals experiences and knowledge related to the attitudinal target. The knowledge and belief related to the attitudinal target represent the cognitive component of the attitude.

Based on the above discussion on Attitude, Scientific attitude is referred to as a special type of attitude that involves belief in certain tenets related to science and having the readiness to potentially behave or respond to any target in accordance to the beliefs. A concept map of the scientific attitude is presented as below:

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